United Arab Emirates has two aces when it comes to global warning. One face is that the UAE is one of the most biggest causes of global warning. U.A.E has few people but on the other hand they are use a lot of energy which makes a tot of pollution for the environment. One of cause is transportation. In the U.A.E. the number of vehicles is huge because each person or family has more than one can on average. Another is the oil companies. The U.A.E. one of the countries that produce and exports oil which it has many oil companies and this makes big percent of global warming causes. Yet another cause is Agriculture. The U.A.E. has developed faster in Agriculture and this need a lot of energy which makes cause of global warming.
The second face of the UAE is that they are trying to stop or global warming. They have started to think of the energy they want and how they cam make this energy with less pollution or something that cases global warning. They start to built a new city with necessary energy the human need it. But it is different energy that causes global warning. This city will be in Abu Dhabi, the capital city of U.A.E. It will be ready in 2009. They have called it the first natural carbon city in the world. They will make a green community without pollution or energy that causes global warning. It will be no transplution that emits gases just transpoltution help us but not harms us. It will have no cars, nothing to make pollution just make our life easy healthy and clear without any thing that make our life in danger.